Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Game Theory Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Game Theory - Research Paper Example Game theory is mainly applied in areas such as psychology, logic, biology, economics, and political science. This is a report on game theory with particular focus given to its applications, benefits and limitations, and other aspects. Game Theory Game theory or alternatively interactive decision theory is based on the fundamental concept of zero-sum games, where gains of an individual are exactly to the net losses of other participants. The game theory can be applicable to a range of behavioral relations. According to the game theory, a game must specify four essential elements such as players of the game, information and actions (which are available for decision making), and payoffs for each outcome (Game Theory). The two main branches of game theory include cooperative and non-cooperative game theory. When the non-cooperative games are illustrated in the extensive and normal forms, characteristic function form is used to present most cooperative games. According to Fudenberg and Ti role, in the extensive form, games are played using trees (see figure 1) and each node (vertex) indicates a player’s point of choice. Each player is clearly specified with a number represented by the vertex (67). The player’s possible action is indicated by the lines out of the vertex whereas the payoffs are presented at the bottom of the tree. The extensive form can be regarded as â€Å"a multi-player generalizations of a decision tree† (Fudenberg and Tirole 67). This is illustrated in the figure 1. Figure 1 The figure is taken from Ross, Don, "Game Theory",  The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy  (Winter 2012 Edition), In contrast to the extensive form, a matrix indicating players, strategies and payoffs are used to represent the normal form or strategic form. As Jian et al point out, in general any function which is associated with a payoff for each player with all combination of actions can be used to represent the normal form. When the normal form is used to define a game, it is assumed that each player acts without actually knowing the actions of others. If the players are aware of the action of other players, the game is usually illustrated using the extensive form. The origin of the characteristic function form is found in the book written by John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern. The authors guessed that when a union C emerges, it functions against the fraction (N/C) as if a normal game is played by two individuals. Here, the balanced payoff of C is identified as the basic function. Examples of Game Theory One of the most commonly cited examples of game theory is the prisoner’s dilemma. Suppose that two brokers, Robinson and Thomas, have been accused of fraudulent trading activities and arrested. Both of them are being questioned separately and hence they do not know what the other is going to say. Robinson and Thomas want to minimize the term of imprisonment and there are four different situations. 1. If Robinson pl eads that he is not guilty of the crime accused and Thomas confesses, Robinson will be jailed for a maximum term of five years and Thomas will be sentenced for a minimum of one year imprisonment. 2. If nobody confesses, then both of them will be jailed for a minimum of two years. 3. If both pleads that they are guilty of the crime accused and tries to implicate their partner, then both of the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Supporting the Commander’s Leadership Philosophy Essay Example for Free

Supporting the Commander’s Leadership Philosophy Essay This thesis will cover the Support of the Commander’s Leadership Philosophy, command climate, strategies, and the role of the gunnery sergeant’s importance in the execution of the Commander’s leadership philosophy for Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 214, Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia. We feel that the command climate at this unit is good. The three strategies that we will use to discuss this will be communication, training and leadership and how important they are in order to establish an effective and productive environment. We will also discuss how the gunnery sergeant’s important role is the key to ensuring that these strategies are well executed. The process used in analyzing this units’ command climate was through the assistance of the Commander’s Leadership Philosophy, blotter, and miscellaneous command photos. Command Climate The assessment of the unit is good within the Commander’s philosophy. The Commander’s policy will have more of a significant change in the command. The Commander stands by his policy by being a band of brothers. He has done a good job making it clear about upholding our traditions as Staff Non Commissioned Officers (SNCO) and Non Commissioned Officers (NCO). The Responsibilities, Leadership, and Core Values are what the Marine Corps is about. By following theses values and the Commanders’ philosophy the command should be able to carry on the mission and goals set before the Squadron. Commander’s Philosophy of Leadership The Commander’s expectations for the Squadron as a whole is Teamwork, Leadership, and Communication. According to base reports they have less than 10 percent of incidents within the Squadron. That’s what team work is about taking caring for each other. Taking time to get to know you’re Marines. One person is not stronger than a team. This plays a big part with every Marine in the unit pushing for success. The leadership is a key role, Honesty is the best policy, and a college degree does not make you a leader. Any Marine can be a leader; for the mission to be successful we need loyalty and core values. By the command climate survey showing that the unit takes care of each other, this is another step to success. Communication the most important part of the Commander’s philosophy. This is what holds all of the Commander’s three words together (Team work, Leadership, and Communication). Keeping lines open are very important. Knowing what’s being said in meetings, passing the word down to the Marines and making sure they understand what is going on. Our SNCO’s and NCO’s are essential to this action. Any delay with this action will create problems within the unit. The Commander has an open door policy, but the Marines will utilize the chain of command. With the command policy in place the unit should have no problems achieving their mission of success. Strategies to Create/Foster Positive Command Climate As part of ensuring the command climate stays positive and even further improve, the following are three strategies formulated in order to define and implement the commander’s vision and expectations from his squadron: Communication Leaders must be able to clearly express the commander’s vision and expectations to their Marines. They must dedicate the time necessary to ensure that their Marines have a full understanding of commander’s intent, mission, and how they are to contribute to the squadron’s success. The senior Leadership will facilitate the clear communication of such by means of more daily interactions with their subordinate Marines and get feedback to ensure that the vision and expectations of the commander are understood. The Noncommissioned officers (NCO), on the other hand, should provide the same to their junior Marines and ensure the same feedback is received. Training Senior leadership will ensure an NCO Professional Military Education (PME) is conducted once a month to discuss small-unit leadership, by means of guided discussions on core values and how they relate to their daily operations on and off-duty and to their surroundings. A junior PME is also to be conducted once a month and should be guided by an NCO, to discuss the same issues. Also, physical training (PT) will be held at the squadron level on Fridays and from Mondays through Thursdays on the smaller unit levels. This ensures consistency in PT, but at the same time allows Marines to take advantage of regular weekend liberty, vice conducting PT events on Saturdays. Leadership As part of leadership, the mentoring program must be implemented across the squadron as a great tool to counsel, coach, look after the welfare of, and ensure Marines accomplish the mission in support of commander’s vision and expectations of teamwork, leadership, and communication. Also, a Values-Based Leadership Integration (VBLI) program will be incorporated into small-unit leadership. The VBLI is a good tool in that it improves communication skills of each Marine during a guided discussion as well as builds and sustains trust and loyalty between subordinates and leaders. Overall, making ever Marine relate better to the commander’s vision and expectations. Gunnery Sergeant’s Importance As the Company Gunnery Sergeant for VMF 214, my main responsibility is, to ensure that the strategies developed to improved command climate aboard VMF 214 are planned and executed properly to ensure maximum success. Communication among the SNCOs will be crucial in order for these strategies to work. Before making any changes, as the Company Gunnery Sergeant, my initial task will be to hold a meeting for SNCOs. The purpose of this meeting will be to ensure that all SNCOs understand and can clearly articulate our Commander’s vision and expectations to our junior Marines. This will not only help us eliminate the â€Å"I assumed† factor out of the equation, but it will show our junior Marines that we know what we are talking about, that we have a plan to correct the situation, and that we will lead them to success. To improve communication in the command will be the first agenda, there will be a staff meeting once a week for all SNCOIC in the command conference room. We will use this opportunity to discuss the progress of our strategies and any other issues around the command. The NCOs will be required to sit down with their junior Marines once a week as well, before they sit down with their SNCOs. This will allow our young leaders the opportunity to develop their leadership skills by mentoring the junior Marines on the things accomplished in their sections and in the command on a weekly basis. All Squadron safety briefs will be reviewed by the Company Gunnery Sergeant for accuracy and relevance to the topics we want to focus on. Before the start of any holiday weekend, all SNCOICs will be required to submit a vehicle inspection checklist on all their Marines. I expect the NCOs to perform most of the vehicle inspections, but I also expect the SNCOs to be involved in this process. The goal is to ensure our Marines safety, so they can enjoy their liberty and comeback to work ready to accomplish bigger and better things for the command. The training is our Second agenda and the training section (S-3) will provide the Company Gunnery Sergeant with a list of Marines names that need to complete their resident PME. Those Marines will get that information passed down from the Company Gunnery Sergeant with school dates. In return, those Marines will be required to respond NLT close of business 3 April 2012, with the date of the course they choose to attend, or a valid response on why they are unable to attend during fiscal year 2012. Physical training (PT) will be conducted at the squadron level on Fridays and at the section level Monday through Thursday. We will add cross-training in all levels of the squadron to be done periodically, to improve proficiency of Marines, ensuring they are trained to handle their respective duties and those of others in case the latter are out of the office due to Temporary Active Duty, leave or liberty, and Personnel change of duty. Last but not the least, there will be a command field meet the last week in August. This can infuse Marines with camaraderie and teamwork and foster esprit de corps. We will be implementing the Professional Reading Program for all sections. SNCOs will be required to build a folder for all Marines in their section to include themselves; the No Later Than (NLT) date will be 3 April 2012. By this date, all NCOs will be counsel by their SNCOs and all NCOs will counsel the junior Marines on the commander’s vision and expectations for all Marines belonging to VMF 214. Furthermore, as part of the check in process, all Marines checking in to the command will be required to write a one page essay explaining what they understand about the commander’s philosophy. This can be submitted to their SNCOs NLT one week after checking in to the command. As part of the Professional Reading Program, every Marine will be required to submit at least one book report to the Sergeant Major or senior leadership. Finally, our leadership will show strong in these few ways, at the conclusion of weekly section PT, every other Thursday session a Valued-based Leadership Integration session will go. A SNCO will lead that section on a chosen VBLI that can cover work or life. The mentoring program will be fine tuned and we will ensure that every Marine has a folder with detail information in it. All Marines will have a mentor to help with life events or skills training and all safety documents for TAD or other wise to include holiday routines will be logged in this folder. It will be the SNCOs to assist the younger Marines that will be in the leadership position of a Mentor. The squadron will implement Hails and Farewells and will be conducted every month to introduce new Marines to the squadron and to recognize achievements and say farewell to departing Marines. Conclusion In conclusion, we discussed how important it is to have an effective command climate and that all strategies must be imposed for a command climate to have successful results. We talked about having effective communication and how important it is for a unit to understand the commander’s intent, how conducting adequate training will promote core values and how leadership is the glue that holds the trust and loyalty between subordinates and leaders. We also discussed how the gunnery sergeant’s importance is an additional key to success and in the end, the Support of the Commander’s Leadership Philosophy, positive command climate that was evident in Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 214, strategies, and the role of the gunnery sergeant’s importance is essential for the satisfaction and the development for the Squadron.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Essay --

The theme for the final work of art "introduction to political science" is: feminist IN LATIN AMERICA. The theme is related to the number VI unit precisely with the text "citizenship and politics. Towards a citizens 'identity' Sebastian Barros. And with the unit VII, with the theme Social Movements. " I start looking for the answer to a question that haunts my head Why women have been relegated from the public sphere, has not had the same "rights" as men to venture into politics? And doubt perhaps more importantly, what was the reason that led to the woman, now to "liberate"? through which it has reversed the situation that happened before. In the late 60s', a generation of young women gave rise to the feminist movement in the large cities of the United States and Europe. Influenced by these experiences and contact with literature that came from the core countries, many Latin American-mainly middle-class began forming groups of reflection and activism for the rights of women. Initially women were middle class, a significant portion came from the wide sides of the left. The arisings of these groups occurred in the setting of acute radicalization of class struggle in the continent, was manifested in the labor and popular ascent whose expressions were most prominent Chilean industrial laces, cordobazo in Argentina, mobilizations student in Mexico, etc.. These facts can be considered as the most acute experiences and as a result, the arrival on the scene of many movements of urban and rural guerrilla. The massive and regionally movementist expression were the feminist meetings, every two years first, then three. They feminist advances, shared strategies, conflict perspective and visions enhancing strategies and discourses expr... ... women the same rights, capabilities, possibilities, ... that man. Always relegated to the care and upbringing of children, to serve her husband, etc ... In the situation where he was, how much she could give more came, and now it has been proven that women work more than men, but earn less by the mere fact of being a woman is as capable as the man performing any work that is proposed, etc.. So I think it important to note that although the status of women today in Latin America is not like a couple of decades ago, still has a long way to say that it has definitely exceeded oppositions that has had and continues to have . Thanks to movementist women today still continues to fight for the differences to shorten and hopefully get to the day when we can say that the feminist movement beat, and could change the way in which power is exercised, and thus change society.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Current Trends in Educational Technology Essay -- Education Technologi

Current Trends in Educational Technology Abstract Current trends in Educational Technology offer quite an array of subject matter to study. I have selected a few articles demonstrating trends I found most interesting. These include trends in research, holistic technology education, pedagogic balance in technology education and using open source software in the school. Hopefully these trends will be an eye opener for the reader. This paper is based on these journal articles: Research in Technology Education: Back to the Future (Reed, 2002); Basic Principles in Holistic Technology Education (Seemann, 2003); Partnership-Centered Learning: The Case for Pedagogic Balance In Technology Education (Walmsely, 2003) and Making the Switch to Open Source Software (Surran, 2003). Researching the Future of Educational Technology Literacy Clear lines of inquiry are needed to further technology education’s place within the context of general education (Reed, 2002). The International Technology Education Association (ITEA), American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), National Research Council and Technology for All Americans Project (TFAA) provide significant amounts of research available on educational technology. These organizations are always looking at what research would help achieve the goal of technological literacy. The National Science Foundation (NSF) makes federal funding available to educational technology researchers (Custer, Loepp, and Martin, 2000). TEGRD A new Council on Technology Teacher Education tool, the Technology Education Graduate Research Database (TEGRD) offers new lines of research geared towards education (Reed, 2002). The TEGRD was designed to highlight the history... ...chives website: Seemann, K. (2003). Basic Principles in Holistic Technology Education. Journal of Technology Education ,14, Retrieved September 15, 2003 from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University digital library and archives website: Walmsley, B. (2003) Partnership-Centered Learning: The Case For Pedagogic Balance in Technology Education. Journal of Technology Education ,14, Retrieved September 16, 2003 from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University digital library and archives website: Surran, M. (2003). Making the Switch to Open Source Software. T.H.E. Journal Online. Retrieved September 16, 2003 from T.H.E. Journal Online website: Current Trends in Educational Technology Essay -- Education Technologi Current Trends in Educational Technology Abstract Current trends in Educational Technology offer quite an array of subject matter to study. I have selected a few articles demonstrating trends I found most interesting. These include trends in research, holistic technology education, pedagogic balance in technology education and using open source software in the school. Hopefully these trends will be an eye opener for the reader. This paper is based on these journal articles: Research in Technology Education: Back to the Future (Reed, 2002); Basic Principles in Holistic Technology Education (Seemann, 2003); Partnership-Centered Learning: The Case for Pedagogic Balance In Technology Education (Walmsely, 2003) and Making the Switch to Open Source Software (Surran, 2003). Researching the Future of Educational Technology Literacy Clear lines of inquiry are needed to further technology education’s place within the context of general education (Reed, 2002). The International Technology Education Association (ITEA), American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), National Research Council and Technology for All Americans Project (TFAA) provide significant amounts of research available on educational technology. These organizations are always looking at what research would help achieve the goal of technological literacy. The National Science Foundation (NSF) makes federal funding available to educational technology researchers (Custer, Loepp, and Martin, 2000). TEGRD A new Council on Technology Teacher Education tool, the Technology Education Graduate Research Database (TEGRD) offers new lines of research geared towards education (Reed, 2002). The TEGRD was designed to highlight the history... ...chives website: Seemann, K. (2003). Basic Principles in Holistic Technology Education. Journal of Technology Education ,14, Retrieved September 15, 2003 from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University digital library and archives website: Walmsley, B. (2003) Partnership-Centered Learning: The Case For Pedagogic Balance in Technology Education. Journal of Technology Education ,14, Retrieved September 16, 2003 from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University digital library and archives website: Surran, M. (2003). Making the Switch to Open Source Software. T.H.E. Journal Online. Retrieved September 16, 2003 from T.H.E. Journal Online website:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dealing With Physical Abuse

The Struggle Physical Abuse Brings People all around the world have suffered from being abused verbally and physically, causing a struggle because they don’t know how to handle these types of situations. In the short story Runaways by Karen Brennan, the main character Lou is physically abused by her husband, which leads Lou to run away, causing problems between friends and family. What are you without loved ones? When you really care about someone you will give an arm and a leg for him or her but once they cross a line they shouldn’t, it feels like the world is supposed to end.In Lou’s situation this is exactly what happened to her. She gave her entire life to her husband and her children. Unfortunately her husband didn’t care about her feelings and cared more about what he wanted than what would keep her happy. Physical abuse in a relationship is a key factor of failing marriages. Lack of communication can lead to physical abuse. Throughout the time that Lou and her husband have been married, they have been through a lot. One thing that might have started all their arguing besides his drinking problem may be that they â€Å"have difficulty talking to each other†(Brennan,501).Lou states, â€Å"My husband didn’t always beat me. In the beginning he was just irresponsible. I could live with that. He drank too much and in the worst times he drove too fast with the babies in the car†(Brennan,501). Lou’s husband beats her so often, she is afraid to go to sleep. When her husband was drunk he became a whole different person, â€Å"he was a maniac when he was drunk†(Brennan,501). â€Å"Its unfair the advantage that men have†(Brennan,501) because woman should be able to stand up for themselves without worrying about what the guys reaction will be.Lou is a woman who will put others before herself. She is a mother of four children and wants everyone happy. For instance, a lot of mothers’ first rea ction to their children crying is to beat them and tell them to â€Å"stop whining†. Lou has been beaten by someone she truly loves so why would she want to beat four people she loves unconditionally, her children. Lou states, â€Å"I am not one of those mothers who turns around in the car and swats the kids on the legs and tells them to shut up. I have never believed in that. When they whined, I told stories.I told them about a family who sailed away in an orange balloon†(Brennan,501). Lou had hit her breaking point and had to runaway from her problems. But is running away the answer? Often people who are physically abused turn around and abuse others. For Lou, it was a different story. She was not a young adult who abused her children because her husband abused her. Many people take their anger out on others because it is a way to make themselves feel better. Lou possibly could have felt pressure to raise her four children with her husband being involved.Lou was stro ng enough and didn’t stay in an abusive relationship just for the children because she knew leaving was the best decision for her at the time. Through all the ups and downs Lou went through with her husband in the end she felt like she was left with nothing. â€Å"a woman without a husband is like an ocean without a sea†(Brennan,500). Its hard being happy if you don’t have the people you cherish most in your life around you. A person can struggle with a bunch of emotions and if you don’t have the support of people that care about you, the situation gets a lot harder.When you are surrounded with people that want the best for you, then you will get though your struggles with someone by your side, not alone. I personally know someone who went through something very similar from what Lou went through. My cousin who is now 25 years old has been dealing with family problems ever since she was about 10 years old. I have heard all these stories about my cousin an d her family from my parents. I was always curious and wanted to know what was happening but it was not my place to ask questions because it might be a sensitive topic for her.Her father was a heavy drinker which caused him to be very angry not only friend friends but especially with his family. My cousin Kelley was the youngest of the two kids. She has an older sister who was 4 years older than she is. Night after night her father kept drinking excessively. The family knew what was coming along with his drinking, his anger. One night it got really bad, he yelled at Kelley for the littlest things, things that were not even a big deal. One time, she didn’t wash her plate after dinner because she was too tired and wanted to go to bed.He became highly upset and rushed into her bedroom, slapped her, and told her to get up and clean her plate. Each day he got worse and worse. After a couple years went by Kelley, her mom, and he sister could no longer handle him and his drinking pr oblem. They moved out when he was at work so he could not say anything about it. The girls moved far away and did not tell anyone where they were going because they did not want their father to find out. They knew he would make a big deal about it. Three girls living on their own trying to survive must have been hard.Having a main man in their life was their leading factor to surviving. Without her dad paying for everything and supplying for the family, it’s difficult for the girls. Somehow her father found out where they were and made them come back. They decided to give their father one more chance, thinking that things would be different but they only got worse. He thought they would leave him again so he tried to be more protective which only caused his anger to be worse than it already was. As Kelley matured throughout the years she realized she no longer wanted to have her dad in her life at all so she lost all contact with him.She got her own apartment and did almost a ll her daily actives on her own. After everything that happened with her dad, she didn’t want to depend on anyone else but herself. This made it difficult for Kelley to keep close friendships with her girlfriends because after her father, she thought that everyone she truly cared about would let her down like he did. Kelley’s fear of having to abandon ones she love caused her to have little friends. She was afraid to trust anyone at all because she believed that friendships and relationships don’t last forever.Later when Kelley became a young adult she realized that she could not go on any longer not having her father in her life and having little friends that she can count on. Being on your own is tough. So Kelley allowed her father to re enter her life but not fully be involved 100%. She realized although she had been through a lot over the years, having her dad around again was exactly what she needed to be happy again. As the years go on, you find out who yo u need in your life and who you would be okay without. I thought that Lou and my cousin Kelley’s story were similar due to running away from their problems.Although Lou was physically abused and Kelley was verbally abused their problems with the men in their lives bring their two stories together. Not having a close relationship with someone who means the world to you has to be really hard. Especially for Kelley, being so young and thinking you dad would be someone you would look up to as the years went on. Her father ended up being someone she never thought he would be, which had to of been beyond upsetting. As for Lou, the man who has been the love of her life for years now and has children who look up to him is not the type of father they though he was going to be.Its hard putting all your effort into someone and believing they are going to give their best to you and then be let down. Being let down is very hurtful and can cause someone a lot of pain, for instance Lou and Kelley. Although Lou and Kelley did not end with the same feelings at the end of both of their stories they still dealt with the same process. Work Cited Alvarado, Beth, Barbara Cully, and Michael Robinson. â€Å"Runaways. † Writing as Revision. Boston, MA. : Pearson Custom Pub. , 2003. 499-509. Print.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Chinas Economics essays

Chinas Economics essays China has always been an important country in the world. With its increasing large population, it was determined by other countries that is has a lot of economic potentials. In just one decade and a half, China has transformed itself from a giant that use to live in poverty into a wealthy powerhouse to the world economy. With one-fifth of the world ¡s population, China is now producing 4% of world merchandise and a proportion of global production. It has also one of the world ¡s oldest and most influential civilizations. China has established three approaches to the world economy and they are establishing an alternative socialist system (1950s); isolating itself from the system (the 1960s to mid 1970s); and participating in the system again from the 1970s. China ¡s economic system was quite similar to Soviet Union ¡s because it is central planning system. However, after the 1950s, this central planning is broken into regional planning by different provinces in China. In anoth e! r words, China has changed from a centrally based country in a regionally based country, in which different provinces produces different goods and servies. This change has encouraged the development of small enterprises, which are the main driving forces of Chinese growth. In 1978, China has liberalised its economy and start participating in the world economy. With its new market reforms in every sector, China ¡s door has opened its economic door to foreign investors and freer trade in special economical zones. Beginning in 1994, China's economic structural reforms have begun new breakthroughs. Major changes have been made to sectors like personal enterprises, taxation, finance, foreign investment and foreign trade. At the same time, the Chinese government is speeding up its establishment of a socialist market economy system. Hopefully, this socialist market economic system can be in place by 2010. (Roy 1-5) Major Structural Reforms Reforms already launched: 1...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Policies of Deterrence and the Mental Health of Asylum Seekers essays

Policies of Deterrence and the Mental Health of Asylum Seekers essays Policies of Deterrence and the Mental Health of Asylum Seekers Derrick Silove, MD, FRANZCP; Zachary Steel, MPsychol; Charles Watters, PhD In the past, most refugees who permanently resettled in the traditional recipient countries of North America, Europe, and Australasia were screened prior to arrival in a host country. In the last decade, increasing numbers of unauthorized refugees or asylum seekers, those who formally lodge application for refugee status in the country in which they are residing, have applied for protection after crossing the borders of these countries. Concerns about uncontrolled migration have encouraged host countries to adopt policies of deterrence in which increasingly restrictive measures are being imposed on persons seeking asylum. These measures include, variously, confinement in detention centers, enforced dispersal within the community, the implementation of more stringent refugee determination procedures, and temporary forms of asylum. In several countries, asylum seekers living in the community face restricted access to work, education, housing, welfare, and, in some situations, to basic health care services. Allegations of abuse, untreated medical and psychiatric illnesses, suicidal behavior, hunger strikes, and outbreaks of violence among asylum seekers in detention centers have been reported. Although systematic research into the mental health of asylum seekers is in its infancy, and methods are limited by sampling difficulties, there is growing evidence that salient postmigration stress facing asylum seekers adds to the effect of previous trauma in creating risk of ongoing posttraumatic stress disorder and other psychiatric symptoms. The medical profession has a role in educating governments and the public about the potential risks of imposing excessively harsh policies of deterrence on the mental health of asylum seekers. The escape followed riots involving about 150 detainees at the facilit...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

4 Key Models in Urban Geography That Explain Land Use

4 Key Models in Urban Geography That Explain Land Use Walk through most contemporary cities, and the mazes of concrete and steel can be some of the most intimidating and confusing places to visit. Buildings rise up dozens of stories from the street and spread for miles out of view. Despite how hectic cities and their surrounding areas can be, attempts at creating models of the way cities function have been made and analyzed to make our understanding of the urban environment richer. Concentric Zone Model One of the first models created for use by academics was the concentric zone model, developed in the 1920s by urban sociologist Ernest Burgess. What Burgess wanted to model was Chicagos spatial structure with regards to the usage of zones around the city. These zones radiated from Chicagos center, The Loop, and moved concentrically outward. In the example of Chicago, Burgess designated five different zones that had separate functions spatially. The first zone was The Loop, the second zone was the belt of factories that were directly outside of The Loop, the third zone included homes of laborers who worked in the factories, the fourth zone contained middle-class residences, and the fifth and final zone hugged the first four zones and contained the homes of the suburban upper class. Keep in mind that Burgess developed the zone during an industrial movement in America and these zones worked mainly for American cities at the time. Attempts at applying the model to European cities have failed, as many cities in Europe have their upper classes located centrally, whereas American cities have their upper classes mostly at the periphery. The five names for each zone in the concentric zone model are as follows: Central business district (CBD)Zone of transitionZone of independent workersZone of better residencesCommuters zone Hoyt Model Since the concentric zone model isnt applicable to many cities, some other academics attempted to further model the urban environment. One of these academics was Homer Hoyt, a land economist who was mostly interested in taking a look at rents within a city as a means of modeling the citys layout. The Hoyt model (also known as the sector model), which was developed in 1939, took into account the effect of transportation and communication on a citys growth. His thoughts were that rents could remain relatively consistent in certain slices of the model, from the downtown center all the way to the suburban fringe, giving the model a pie-like look. This model has been found to work especially well in British cities. Multiple-Nuclei Model A third well-known model is the multiple-nuclei model. This model was developed in 1945 by geographers Chauncy Harris and Edward Ullman to try and further describe a citys layout. Harris and Ullman made the argument that the citys downtown core (CBD) was losing its importance in relation to the rest of the city and should be seen less as the focal point of a city and instead as a nucleus within the metropolitan area. The automobile began to become increasingly important during this time, which made for greater movement of residents to the suburbs. Since this was taken into consideration, the multiple-nuclei model is a good fit for sprawling and expansive cities. The model itself contained nine differing sections that all had separate functions: Central business districtLight manufacturingLow-class residentialMiddle-class residentialUpper-class residentialHeavy manufacturingOutlying business districtResidential suburbIndustrial suburb These nuclei develop into independent areas because of their activities. For example, some economic activities that support one another (for instance, universities and bookstores) will create a nucleus. Other nuclei form because theyd be better off far from one another (e.g., airports and central business districts). Finally, other nuclei can develop from their economic specialization (think of shipping ports and railway centers). Urban-Realms Model As a means of improving upon the multiple nuclei model, geographer James E. Vance  Jr. proposed the urban-realms model in 1964. Using this model, Vance was able to look at San Franciscos urban ecology and summarize economic processes into a sturdy model. The model suggests that cities are made up of small realms, which are self-sufficient urban areas with independent focal points. The nature of these realms is examined through the lens of five criteria: The topological terrain of the area, including water barriers and mountainsThe size of the metropolis as a wholeThe amount and strength of the economic activity taking place within each of the realmsThe accessibility internally of each realm in regards to its major economic functionThe inter-accessibility across the individual suburban realms This model does a good job at explaining suburban growth and how certain functions that are normally found in the CBD can be moved to the suburbs (such as shopping malls, hospitals, schools, etc.). These functions diminish the importance of the CBD and instead create distant realms that accomplish approximately the same thing.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Analysis Of The Royal Dutch Shell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Analysis Of The Royal Dutch Shell - Essay Example The cases of oil spillage are the serious issue and also the shift of the consumers demand towards cleaner technologies to reduce pollution is a serious problem. In terms of opportunities, Shell is innovating newer technologies and low carbon solutions so as to ensure product standard and the cleaner environment. The company has been benefitted by the rise in the global demand for the Liquefied Natural Gas and therefore, there is an opportunity to expand in other economies. The threats faced by Shell are mainly oil price fluctuations in the global market, high competition, product substitution and stringent governmental rules and regulations regarding environmental concerns. 1.2. Operational strategies. The successful performance of a company depends on the organization structure, its external and internal environment. Shell has its own service stations, wide market, and transport and trade network, energy-efficient technologies for production like solar panels. The company also work s with collaboration with government, society, and industry which enables them to provide best quality products and services (Hill, Jones and Schilling, 2014). 2.0. Social and Ethical Issues for Evaluation of Economic Impact There are certain social and ethical factors that are needed to be emphasized because they have been known environmental activists for their mistakes. There are constant questions regarding the use of the technologies used by Shell and whether they are environmentally friendly or not.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Promotion & Price Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Promotion & Price - Research Paper Example hannels can also be segmented in order to reach a wide range of people given that the business particularly offers services which can appeal to different people. Price discounts to regular customers will be used in order to create loyalty among them. Price discounts can also be offered during off peak seasons in order to appeal to the interests of the customers. The effectiveness of advertising and promotion will be measured through observing the performance of the organisation. An increase in sales means that the strategy is effective. Feedback from the customers can also be used to measure the effectiveness of the strategy used. The nature of the event will be used to determine the price and aspects such as duration of the event as well as the size of the delegation participating in that particular event will be used to determine the price. For instance, for every delegation, $300 is charged for day services and this will include itinerary such as food as well as other related refreshment. An additional $50 will be charged to cover overnight expenses. A 15 % profit margin will be used to calculate profit from the revenue generated. Our initial start up capital is $40Â  000 and we expect it to double in six months time. Our profit in six months time will be: Solomon M, Cornell LC, Nizan L, (2009). Launch! Advertising and Promotion in Real Time published online by Accessed on August 8, 2011 at

International transportation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International transportation - Essay Example ct of the Act towards rehabilitation of airports and air travel in America has great influence and impact on the American economy as well as the entire international economy. Construction of new and modern runway in airports will ensure low rate of tear and wear of the planes as well increasing efficiency in controlling the rolling of the plane. The funds proposed by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act towards rehabilitation of the air transports will ensure purchase and introduction of modern airplane that consumes little fuel and energy thereby ensuring controlled wastage of energy. The purchase of modern airplanes by the funds donated to the Department of Transport of the federal government will ensure low release of or no release of smoke thus lowering the level of environmental population. The funds will also assist in the purchase of high-speed planes thereby making air travel across the world more efficient. The federal stimulus to the Department of Transport will enable installation of high tech security devices in airports and planes and this will assist in increasing international air travel security. The rehabilitation and modernization of the airline transport has significant impact on the fall in charges on the international transport. In addition, the federal stimulus for rehabilitation of transport system will modernize sea transport and assist in control and regulation of traffic at the ports. The stimulus fund will be used in purchasing modern machines for handling cargo at the sea thereby easing interstate trade within the American sea line. The federal stimulus package to the Department of Transport will used in purchasing modern sea vessels with high speed to facilitate quick transportation of cargo to and from the foreign nations. Moreover, the federal stimulus to the Department of Transport will also assist in the installation and improvement of marine security across the international borders. The federal stimulus to the Department

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Amazon Research Survey Background Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Amazon Survey Background - Research Paper Example Usability of Amazon was very simplified. The customers only needed to enter the title or any other relevant information of the book or the product they wished to buy. Amazon then searched its internet database and displayed the most relevant titles of the book or item. The customer was then expected to fill in the credit card payment details after which the item would be shipped and delivered to the customer’s location (Layton, 2008).Within two years time, Amazon becomes a public limited company offering 3 million shares common stock of share-subscription. The IPO was offered in 1997 (Doyl, 2008). Another growth area of the Amazon is successful â€Å"Association program† which was established in July 1996. The program allowed people to choose their own web site advertising on the book of interest. Amazon then allows customers to buy the book even when the book is featured in a different website. As the Customers buys the book through Amazon, which takes care of all orde rs, the associate website makes 3% to 8% commission from the books sold on their website (Bellomo, and Elad, 2006).Amazon expanded its business through acquisition of three groups in early 1998. Two of the companies made it possible for Amazon to expand its business operations to European markets.  Bookpages is one of the largest online retailers in the UK, which provided access to the U.K market.

Cfd ( solid work) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cfd ( solid work) - Assignment Example There are several commercial CFD packages accessible for modeling flow in or around objects in the fluid dynamics. The computer simulations display structures and details that are expensive, difficult or impossible to measure or visualized experimentally. When simulating the flow airfoils, transmission of laminar to turbulent flow plays asignificant role in determining the stream features and in enumerating the airfoil, performance such as lift and drag. Hence, the proper modeling of transition, including both the onset and the extent of the change will lead to more accurate drag prediction. The beginning of the development is on Michel`s methods of incompressible two-dimensional flow while the degree of the change is quantified by evolving a prototypical for the intermittency role. The shape of pressure distribution is directly related to the airfoil performance. The relationship between the airfoil geometry and airfoil pressure can be predicted numerically solving the relevant equation. Pressure increases as we move further from the surface. This means that the surface pressure is lower than the pressure far away In modern laminar flow, section, usually used on sailplanes, indicates that the concept is practical for some applications. Hence, the effectiveness of the idea is not wholly acknowledged, and the "Laminar Flow True-Believers Club" meets every year at the homebuilt aircraft fly-in.This is as shown below The coordinates of the upper and lower surface can characterize it. Which is often summarized by a few parameters and they include maximum camber, maximum thickness, position of max camber, position of max thickness, and nose radius.It has to be noted that one can generate a reasonable airfoil section given the above parameters. This is shown below: In general, we can say that the use of mathematical software packages provides a number of benefits that are relevant to an engineering user. Another factor to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Amazon Research Survey Background Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Amazon Survey Background - Research Paper Example Usability of Amazon was very simplified. The customers only needed to enter the title or any other relevant information of the book or the product they wished to buy. Amazon then searched its internet database and displayed the most relevant titles of the book or item. The customer was then expected to fill in the credit card payment details after which the item would be shipped and delivered to the customer’s location (Layton, 2008).Within two years time, Amazon becomes a public limited company offering 3 million shares common stock of share-subscription. The IPO was offered in 1997 (Doyl, 2008). Another growth area of the Amazon is successful â€Å"Association program† which was established in July 1996. The program allowed people to choose their own web site advertising on the book of interest. Amazon then allows customers to buy the book even when the book is featured in a different website. As the Customers buys the book through Amazon, which takes care of all orde rs, the associate website makes 3% to 8% commission from the books sold on their website (Bellomo, and Elad, 2006).Amazon expanded its business through acquisition of three groups in early 1998. Two of the companies made it possible for Amazon to expand its business operations to European markets.  Bookpages is one of the largest online retailers in the UK, which provided access to the U.K market.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Historiography Paper on Rosa Parks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Historiography Paper on Rosa Parks - Essay Example These not only shook its entity but went ahead to completely paralyze the company by rendering it completely bankrupt. Rosa was a figure that compelled the tough-headed racist leaders and society that had never imagined such a wimp of events to ever surface. This not only broke the yoke of perceived notion of white infallibility and invincibility but brought to the global knowledge a possibility of impossibilities. To even turn tables more, Rosa never demanded to be accorded any leadership totality of the move she was virtually the flag bearer, but instead was formally endowed by nature that a status was more of a symbolic and formidable personality. She poised to elevate the invincible role and significance of a virtuous black woman. Such was an elevated dignity and demeanor. There comes a unison move to see to the strengthening move by Rosa and this comes from the sentiments shared by Mary H., Gloria B. & Dale G., (2006). Alongside Rosa’s figure are seen other equally strong black women whose significant roles played the racial shaping moment in American context. The formerly disregarded black minors in the vast world class society were now regarded as the footnotes of the historical timeline. For a long time, there had been segregation in America on the rise; this was such a racial imbalance that men defied basic legislations in broad day for no fear of victimization. Philip S.,( 2007). Rosa Parks and her protest for civil rights, Cherry tree Books. US. For instance, an incidence of the 1944 which involved a defilement of a lady aged twenty four. This is the story of Racy Taylor; a sharecropper and a mother. On her way home from her routine prayers, she encountered a group of white men;... An incidence of the 1944 which involved a defilement of a lady aged twenty-four. This is the story of Racy Taylor; a sharecropper and a mother. On her way home from her routine prayers, she encountered a group of white men; specifically seven in number, armed with weaponry such as shotguns and hand knives. The seven men intimidated the young Alabama lady and compelled her into their green Chevrolet. The next she underwent was such an ordeal unforgettable. You can imagine a gang of seven raping a lone-lady especially after her time of spiritual nourishment, then leaving her for dead. As a matter of fact, the word spreads round thereby compelling the president of the then existing area NAACP to act quickly. His move was to send the smartest of his investigators and team leader to Abbeville. This investigator emerges to be Rosa Parks. In the event that Rosa undertakes to start off the case, she yields such a move that sparks off a great revolution in the world. This gives the account of the never before stipulated history, and how the movement by the civil rights was such prompt and focused to opposing the mounting segregation and torture that black women were subjected to by white men. This was to intimidate the blacks on economic grounds, freedom movement and sexual violence per se. In a way to stress on this fact Terri De Gezelle.

A View from the Bridge Essay Example for Free

A View from the Bridge Essay A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller is a play describing the affairs of the Brooklyn dockworkers of post war America. The play is as colourful as the lives of those it depicts: it contains aspects of love, hatred, passion, suffering, pain and despair (to name but a few) but what of tragedy? In order for a play to be a tragedy it follows that it must have tragic elements to its plot but what are these elements? Why are they considered tragic? And most importantly of all: In what from are they present in A View from the Bridge? Answering this question requires that we obtain a sound definition of tragedy in the classic sense, and for this task I refer throughout to Aristotles Poetics. Over the next few pages I will be examining the main events and aspects of the play, showing how explicitly they follow the principles outlined by Aristotle, therefore earning the tragic title. Foremost in a tragedy is the protagonist; he is the hub around which the events of the play rotate, without whom all would soon crumble. In classic tragedy the protagonist is usually distinguished early in the play: the protagonist in A View from the Bridge is established from the outset. An early stage direction sees Eddie pitching coins with the men and is highlighted among them this and Eddies prominence in the following family scene firmly establish his role as the lead character. Once this entity has been confirmed we must then examine his character. In the first family scene Eddie is shown to command the love and respect of both his wife and niece: Beatrice claims that he is an Angel! and that Godll bless him and Catherine greets him enthusiastically Hi, Eddie! This show of love has the effect of portraying Eddie Carbone in a favourable light and raising the audiences opinion of him. This was a deliberate effort on Millers part to satisfy one of Aristotles necessities for tragedy, that the lead role should embody nobility and virtue as part of his/her innate character. Initial nobility and virtue serve to accentuate the eventual demise of the character and heighten the sense of loss felt by the audience. The family love of the opening scene, while serving a purpose, is notably ordinary and not at all unusual. At first glance Eddie Carbone seems a surprisingly normal figure He is forty- a husky, slightly overweight longshoreman. This normality however serves a very important purpose, it allows the audience to identify with the character, a necessity for the tragic hero since he has to command sympathy, pity, and later invoke fear. Another tragic requirement is that the lead character must have a certain flaw, or imperfection, known as hamartia which serves to trigger the characters demise. This is present in A View from the Bridge and is subtly exposed in the first scene when Eddie is pleased and therefore shy about it when Catherine lovingly greets him. The first family scene can therefore be described as tragic because it complies with tragic ideals, and establishes both the character of the protagonist and his fatal flaw: two essentials of tragedy. Following this scene I was aware of the potential for catastrophe (in Eddies incestuous love, and over protectiveness) but was at a loss as to how this potential was to be realised. This invoked in me as the reader or as a member of the audience a sense of or intense anticipation and anxiety: anticipation because the catastrophic ending was foretold in Alfieris warnings and anxiety because I did not know what form this catastrophe would take. My anxiety was relieved upon the arrival of the immigrants, when I realised the means by which the potential was to be realised. As the scene progresses Catherines attraction to Rodolpho is made apparent. Catherine wondrously asks Rodolpho about his hair, and is enthralled by his singing; she asks if he is married and references to sugar you like sugar? -Sugar? Yes! I like sugar very much! imply that they are sweet on each other. This affection unnerves Eddie, who, upon hearing Rodolphos rendition of Paper Doll interrupts as soon as flirtation is mentioned and then those flirty, flirty guysWill have to flirt with dollies that are real. This scene, while not satisfying any tragic ideas wholly in itself, helps with the progression of the tragedy since it develops the fatal flaw, Eddies love for Catherine. It also informs the audience of the course the play is to take, accentuating the sense of fate or inevitable progression.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Small Group Communication

Small Group Communication Leon Hulse, Mike Hugo, Lily Purimitla, Laura Straub, Ju Hee Shin, Rachel Quick,Danny Yip AJ. Shawna Warner Group Research Paper: Group Ethics Throughout this semester, the Small Group Communication class has been studying various topics regarding the different aspects of groups. Groups, to most living individuals, is an important concept that penetrates our lives in many different ways. We have friend groups, family groups, work groups, project groups, and even game groups. Regardless of our willingness, the concept of groups will always be a major part of life. With that said, it is crucial for each individual to understand the different aspects of a group, which is the foundation behind this research paper. This paper is written with the intention of gaining an insight on the different features of groups and to demonstrate the application of theories learned in class. The paper will begin with ethical leadership, which is followed by a discussion on personal ethics in group decision making, and will end with multicultural group ethics. Ethical Leadership Leaders can be categorized into different groups according to behaviours and, in most occasions, it is not only the leader who defines the nature of leadership, but also those who are actively participating within the team that alter leadership behaviour. Gary Yukl in his book Leadership in Organizations writes about three different types of leadership behaviour: task-oriented, relations-oriented and participative leadership (Yukl 107-08). In an ideal setting, a leader would have a balance between all these behaviours. However, most of the time Now, we know that in order to be able to lead and direct ethically, one must understand the responsibility and the core meaning of what ethical leadership is. Ethics is a principle of conduct that acts to govern those who are under it (Ethic). In order to understand ethical leadership it is important to first understand the meaning of ethics and how culture of an organization highly affects it. Ethical leadership can be seen as the code of conduct, laws, policies and values that leaders follow in order to emphasize a concern for the interest of others and respecting the members as not just instruments in the group, but as whole and complete members of the team. With that, four theories of Ethical Leadership will be discussed in this section, which include ethical pluralism, communitarianism, authentic leadership and transformational leadership. First, the term ethical pluralism refers to a formed idea that there are numerous ways of defining what is morally right or wrong, and not all of them will match an individuals personal norms (Ethical Pluralism). This implies that pluralism does not refer to several perspectives of the same thing but, in general, having several theories according to different leaders and settings. Moreover, this theory advances that there is a plurality of moral norms that cannot be reduced to one basic norm (Schaber 1). Next, the paper will discuss the idea of communitarianism. Inthe Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, it is stated that communitarians argued that the standards of justice must be found in forms of life and traditions of particular societies and hence can vary from context to context (Bell). This means that both the views of people and leaders in a group are dependent on the various interpretations of the societies they belong to. This theory focuses more on the rights of the group as a whole rather than the individuals in a group (Communitarian Ethics). A leader who employs this approach emphasises the common good of all people, recognising all the dimensions of a living human being in a society. A communitarian leader encourages moral reasoning, ethical dialogue, collaborative leadership and development of moral character. The next topic to be addressed is that of authentic leadership. Leaders who fully believe in themselves and trust their ability as they are true to themselves are known as authentic leaders. Moreover, these leaders allow and empower group development by encouraging individual members. This theory believes that an authentic leader should possess certain characteristics. Michael Hyatt, author of Authentic Leadership, writes that an authentic leader possesses insight, demonstrates initiative, exudes influence, has impact in his or her action and manifests integrity (Hyatt). There are still more features of an authentic leader as the context of the leaders culture plays a vital role in determining the leadership traits. The final theory of ethical leadership is transformational leadership. This is defined as a leadership approach that causes change in individuals and social systems. It is a relatively new approach to leadership that focuses on how leaders can create valuable and positive change in their followers, writes David Burkus in his article Transformational Leadership Theory.We can infer that this theory is helpful in leaders who are of the new age; leaders who are able to use traditional methods and theories to purposefully transform them for the betterment of the team or any setting they are a part of. With that, this research paper has finished its discussion on ethical leadership, which includes the four elements of ethical pluralism, communitarianism, authentic leadership and transformational leadership. These are, in short, basic theories that aid in understanding ethical leadership and how leaders can carefully employ one or multiple aforementioned theories to improve the performance and effectiveness of a system. Personal Ethics in Group Decision Making Writing in the context of organizational communication, Pamela Shockley-Zalabak identified decision-making as one of the most important functions of a group (252). However, good decision-making requires sound information (262), which in turn requires that group members communicate not only effectively (262), but also ethically (117). Shockley-Zalabak describes four habits of ethical communication that can be applied in most communicative situations (117). The first of these habits, which were developed by Rebecca Rubin and Jess Yoder based on work by Karl Wallace, is called the Habit of Search (117). This habit explores the idea of detailed research, working as a type of magnifying glass to analyze information that is taken into the group. Using this technique, groups can excavate into information received to decipher the smallest details so as not to miss any important facts. This can be used in decision making to analyze the problems that the group is facing, especially in regards to highly controversial issues. The idea here is that issues should not be oversimplified and should be looked at in all their parts. Tying this into ethics, the implementation of this habit leaves less room for faulty or inaccurate information. Each issue is looked at extensively through this lens to ensure there is no discrepancies in the facts received. The second habit is called the Habit of Justice (117). This habit also has to do with analysis of information, but on a different level. This habit allows for a much broader research database. There is more openness to different kinds of sources of information. The focus is not so much on specific information received as on the range of diverse accurate information. The focus here is more on the ethical side of making sure that all information is accurately portrayed and is fairly examined. This habit does not allow for discrimination, bias, or prejudice in regards to the evaluation of information. The main point is for the meaning of the information to remain undistorted by the opinions or bias of individuals. As in the name, justice and truth or accuracy are very important factors here. The third habit is called the habit of public versus private motivations (117). This habit is concerned primarily with transparency. It suggests that the ethical course of action during communication is to be open about motives and agendas and to clearly identify any potential for bias, conflicts of interest, or other factors that could exert an influence on the speakers perspective. It could also be as simple as identifying where a piece of information comes from. This allows the group to assign the information the proper weight in their discussion, rather than relying too heavily on biased information. For example, a group member who is closely related to one of the candidates under consideration by the group for interviewing for a class project should let the relationship be known. The final habit is respect for dissent (117). This means that rather than viewing different perspectives as threats and trying to squash them, the individual welcomes and even encourages them. By taking time to consider all aspects of the problem or explore more options for the decision, the group is better able to come to a solid solution or make an informed decision, rather than settling on a less effective course of action too quickly. Having a group atmosphere where it is safe and accepted to voice contrary viewpoints also helps to avoid groupthink (Rothwell 254). An example of this would be for a planning committee to consider suggestions for alternative dates for an event. By considering all factors, they could avoid causing scheduling conflicts or inconveniences that might have been overlooked if they just went with the first suggestion. Shockley-Zalabak summarized these habits in this way: Ethical communication behaviors promote participation, transparency, and accountability and support courageous actions (118). Practicing these habits in small group communication will not guarantee a good decision, but it will at least lay the foundations for good decision-making. Multicultural Group Ethics The meaningful success that can result from a diverse group of individuals has been a topic researched and challenged by many scholars throughout the years. Diversity extends itself across a wide spectrum that includes differences in ethnicities, gender, age, background, experiences, values, and culture (Rothwell 84). Everyone may approach one given situation differently, especially within an intercultural setting or when one set of ethics meets another. Ethics exist at the core of a person, the moral principles that govern ones own behavior (Ethic). In addition, ethics refers to the personal overarching moral perspectives derived from philosophical or religious instruction or inform our day-to-day behavior (Knapp). The challenge that this topic presents is how does ethics exist in a multicultural group? A researcher in multicultural studies, Malcolm MacDonald, has noted a shift in ones self-consciousness as they begin to recognize differences in beliefs, attitudes and values that are present in a multicultural setting. He suggests two things can happen at this point, either one can tolerate these differences or embrace these differences (MacDonald 3). Multicultural educators are often found teaching these practices in order to create the needed cohesion within multicultural settings/groups. On the other hand, other researchers have identified the commonality of discrimination and rejection of individuals that takes place based on ones differences and beliefs (Kymlicka 153). Albeit, these three options of tolerating, embracing, or rejecting the differences found in others, leads into the concept of the overall ethics of a group. Ones own personal ethics will undoubtedly directly influence the ethics of a group. For example, Jane is a part of a multicultural group that has agreed upon not disclosing any of the groups information until after the work has been presented to the public. In doing this, each member will be showing their loyalty to all the other group members. This is a sign of the group creating its own set of ethics. Jane immediately agreed upon this notion because loyalty remains within her personal ethics. Within Janes culture, there is a strong ethical code of truthfulness that she stands strong beside. During a group meeting, there was discussion on having just one person do the groups entire work even though there were specific instructions that one person did not do all of the work. Following this, the group went ahead with just one person doing all of the work and reported at the end that everyone did their own part. Through this process, Jane rejected this group ethic by refusing to agree upon this, however, the group just continued onward. An important aspect within multicultural group ethics is creating a safe place where each member has confidence within the group that ideas will not be torn down or dismissed for any given reason. However, a group ethic of trust can be built to ensure that everyone feels comfortable to share his or her thoughts. Creating an open place for communication to take place. Stepping outside of one individuals viewpoint for the success of the group is key -as long as it is not harmful-one must remember to never dismiss who they truly are and what they believe in the process. Indeed, multicultural group ethics requires communication from all group members in order for success to take place. Creating an open place for multicultural differences to weave themselves in the overall group for its success is a process whereby the group creates its own set of ethics that will lead all of its members down a united path. Conclusion Once again, this paper is written so that insights regarding the various aspects of a group can be gained. This paper began by pondering the topic of ethical leadership and four theories derived from this particular topic. Next, the paper analyzed the topic of personal ethics in group decision making based on the work produced by Shockley-Zalabak and several other scholars. To end, the paper examined multicultural group ethic, which meditates on the idea of creating a diverse yet harmonious group; a group that develops its own set of ethics that will allow all members to remain unified. Lastly, it must be emphasized yet again that the concept of group will always be present in many aspects of our lives. Therefore, it is of utmost significance that an individual seeks to understand this concept to the best of his or her ability. Works Cited Bell, Daniel. Communitarianism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Summer 2016 ed., edited by Edward N. Zalta, 21 Mar. 2016, entries/communitarianism. Accessed 2 Mar. 2017. Burkus, David. Transformational Leadership Theory. David, 18 Mar. 2010, Accessed 9 Mar. 2017. Communitarian Ethics. Regis University, CommunitarianEthics/CommunitarianEthics_01.html. Accessed 15 Mar. 2017. Ethic. Merriam-Webster, Accessed 3 Mar. 2017. Ethical Leadership Theories. SlideShare, uploaded by catsfood, 8 Mar. 2012, Accessed 14 Mar. 2017. Ethical Pluralism. The EIESL Project, 2011, Accessed 9 Mar. 2017. Hyatt, Michael. Authentic Leadership: The Five Characteristics of Effective Leaders., Accessed 9 Mar. 2017. Knapp, Samuel. Ethics, Diversity, and Multiculturalism., 31 Oct. 2011, multiculturalism.html.ÂÂ   Accessed 5 Mar. 2017. Kymlicka, Will. Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights. Oxford U, 1995, W78Credir_esc=y. Accessed 4 Mar. 2017. MacDonald, Malcolm N. The Ethics of Intercultural Communication. Original manuscript, University of Warwick, 2012, PubDocView.asp.pdf. Accessed 4 Mar. 2017. Rothwell, J. Dan. In Mixed Company: Communicating in Small Groups and Teams. 8th ed., Cengage, 2013. Schaber, Peter. Ethical Pluralism. University of Zurich, Accessed 14 Mar. 2017. Shockley-Zalabak, Pamela. Fundamentals of Organizational Communication: Knowledge, Sensitivity, Skills, Values. 8th ed., Pearson, 2012. Yukl, Gary. Leadership in Organizations, 7th ed., Global ed., Pearson, 2010, Accessed 2 Mar. 2017.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Death of a Tumor Essay -- Biology Cancer

Cell Background Animal cells are eukaryotic and have a very complex structure. A eukaryotic cell is composed of many membrane-enclosed organelles. Organelles are compartments that perform different functions inside the cell. An organelle called the nucleus contains the genetic material, or DNA, and is the most vital organelle of the cell because it is responsible for carrying the genes that make up the body. A cell's membrane is composed of two layers that regulate the flow of materials in and out of the cell. Along the membrane are several kinds of receptor proteins that detect foreign materials. A cell replicates by a process called mitosis. In this process the chromosomes pair up and when the cell divides and each cell is genetically identical. Any mistakes in this process can lead to cancer. If somewhere along the line, the normal regulation of mitosis is broken and the cell divides continuously and out of control. This is how tumors are created. There are many reasons for the mitotic cycle to break such as the loss of certain checkpoints, which make sure the cell is dividing normally. Without these checkpoints in the cycle of mitosis, the cell does not divide normally, and this usually leads to the growth of tumors. Tumor Prevention There are several ways to prevent cancer, but some of the time cancer is a genetic defect that cannot be prevented. Overexposure to sunlight or tanning salons may cause skin cancer. Clothing and sunscreen protects the skin from the sun and can decrease the chances of skin cancer. To decrease the risk of developing cancer, one should not smoke. Smoking increases the risk of developing cancer of the lung, mouth, throat, esophagus, panc... ...s showed that Raf-1 had indeed prevented angiogenesis from occurring by making apoptosis successful in destroying the tumor. TUNNEL had shown that the nearby dead blood vessels had self- destructed leaving behind signs of apoptosis in tumor cells. This supported what the scientists had confirmed that each blood vessel has the ability to support 50-100 tumor cells. When the blood vessel dies, so do the tumor cells, thus crumbling into a concentric ring. Resources & Links: [1]Cancer Research UK. Catrin Pritchard, Ed. University of Leicester. leicester/leicester_univ/pritchardc/pritchardcover?version=1 Purves, William, Sadava, David, and H. Craig Heller, eds. The Science of Biology. Sunderland: Sinauer Associates, Inc., 2001. Signal Transduction. Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Augustus :: essays research papers

A copy below of the deeds of the divine Augustus, by which he subjected the whole wide earth to the rule of the Roman people, and of the money which he spent for the state and Roman people, inscribed on two bronze pillars, which are set up in Rome. 1. In my nineteenth year, on my own initiative and at my own expense, I raised an army with which I set free the state, which was oppressed by the domination of a faction. For that reason, the senate enrolled me in its order by laudatory resolutions, when Gaius Pansa and Aulus Hirtius were consuls (43 B.C.E.), assigning me the place of a consul in the giving of opinions, and gave me the imperium. With me as propraetor, it ordered me, together with the consuls, to take care lest any detriment befall the state. But the people made me consul in the same year, when the consuls each perished in battle, and they made me a triumvir for the settling of the state. 2. I drove the men who slaughtered my father into exile with a legal order, punishing their crime, and afterwards, when they waged war on the state, I conquered them in two battles. 3. I often waged war, civil and foreign, on the earth and sea, in the whole wide world, and as victor I spared all the citizens who sought pardon. As for foreign nations, those which I was able to safely forgive, I preferred to preserve than to destroy. About five hundred thousand Roman citizens were sworn to me. I led something more than three hundred thousand of them into colonies and I returned them to their cities, after their stipend had been earned, and I assigned all of them fields or gave them money for their military service. I captured six hundred ships in addition to those smaller than triremes. 4. Twice I triumphed with an ovation, and three times I enjoyeda curule triumph and twenty one times I was named emperor. When the senate decreed more triumphs for me, I sat out from all of them. I placed the laurel from the fasces in the Capitol, when the vows which I pronounced in each war had been fulfilled.

Objectives of a School simularities to other organisations

Schools, like any other organisations, are aggregations of interconnected human and non- human resources working together to accomplish a common end within structured relationships. But they differ from any other industrial, commercial, governmental or military organisation as it require a alone manners of leading, ways of thought and an attack to disposal. This is because the mission of schools is non to increase net incomes but to raising and develop people to go to the full functional persons foster the acquisition, personal growing and development of all participants, the staff and the pupils.Literature reappraisalOrganizational Behaviors and saying the relevancy in today ‘s contextA school is a universe in which people live, grow and work. Like any other societal organisation, the universe of school has power, construction, logic and values. The behaviour of people at work in a school, separately every bit good as group is non simply a contemplation of their single alone personalities but is strongly molded and molded by the societal norms and outlooks of the civilization that prevail in the organisation. Therefore the person and societal influence creates alone organisational behaviour of people in the school organisation. A school is an extraordinary powerful environment which form and mold behaviour of the people through its civilization and clime. This web of interactions between people and the organisation and its deductions for leading is determining the behaviour of people at work in educational organisations. The ends of any educational organisation are academic accomplishment, effectual work wonts, civic values, societal behaviour, self esteem and self trust. In order to accomplish the ends of schooling, the outlooks that instructors have for the accomplishments of pupils, the relationships between pupils and instructors, the motive of pupils, clip spent on instruction and acquisition and the equal relationships affairs. Besides how schools are managed, how pupils are grouped, how parents and the community are involved, how work is assigned and the determinations made in school. The widespread credence as the preferable manner for exerting control and coordination in schools is the bureaucratic mechanism. The present twenty-four hours acceleration in the development of engineering, political relations, economic sciences and society has by and large left stiff bureaucratisms staggering and unresponsive. To boom in today ‘s quickly changing universe, schools must nimble, adaptative to alter and invariably germinating ( Peter Senge – a learning organisation ) . They are non merely adaptable to new challenges emerging in the universe but are besides adaptable to the worldwide rise in outlooks for increased democracy, personal freedom, single regard and self-respect and chances for self- fulfilment. Administrators who tactically or explicitly embrace the non bureaucratism affect a good trade of persuading. The instructors who are underlying behavior form of theory X or Y who are in the non bureaucratic environment Theory Ten Theory Yttrium Needed to be belonged, liked and respected. Want to experience utile to the school and tend to corporate volitionally and to follow with school, section and unit ends if the above demands are fulfilled. In add-on to the demands of theory X, desire to lend efficaciously and creatively to the achievement of worthwhile aims. Majority are capable of exerting far more inaugural, duty and creativeness than their present work fortunes allow. Administrators ‘ basic undertaking is to do each instructor believe that they are utile and of import portion of the squad. They should be willing to explicate determinations and discuss instructors ‘ expostulations. Besides to affect instructors in planning and determination devising. Teachers should be encouraged to exert self way and ego control Administrator works to bring out the originative resources of the instructors. Teachers participate in determination devising and develop. Information is shared and instructors involve in determination devising. This helps to increase the demand of belongingness and single acknowledgment. It will increase the morale and cut down opposition to formal authorization. Administrators and instructors make usage of the full scope of experience, penetration and originative ability to better the public presentation in school. Accomplishment of aims will increase the self-control and self way. Schools in the island were officially introduced during the colonial epoch. Education is largely delivered through a spiritual background, either through temples or the church. The priests followed the regulations defined through the faith to set single behaviour. Many described such schools as oppressive. But traditionally such schools emphasized powerful societal norms and outlooks that support and wages such behaviour. The norms of such schools discourage behaviour that inquiries the established the order and proposes alterations. With the educational reform in 1947, schools in the state were managed under one organic structure known as Education section of Sri Lanka and new theories and constructs of instruction being introduced to the school web. In order to understand the acquisition abilities and features of kids and grownups in the educational environment, behavioural psychological science applied theories of development. B.K Skinners ‘ methodological analysis of behaviourism had hence embraced by instructors and they used the programmed instructions, scripted instruction, diagnostic-prescriptive instruction and behavior alteration in learning. Educationists decide on ends ( marks ) , all right supports to bring forth those responses ( lesson programs ) , a plan that will bring forth the coveted behaviours ( category room activity ) and eventually mensurate the support methods ( tests, all schoolroom, term and public ) and alter them carefully ( twelvemonth terminal reappraisal and preparation Sessi onss ) . These methods are non developed to â€Å" develop the head † but to set up the very behaviours which are to be taken to be grounds of acquisition. The pupils learn in such an environment retained the cognition and accomplishments they learn in school and so applied in state of affairss in existent life. Therefore unlike in the colonial instruction system, there were 1000s of people adding into the work force every twenty-four hours. They retained a ample sum of the cognition for many old ages and mastered that cognition. For the last decennary or so Sri Lankan authorities instruction system, including the universities were based on behaviourism and as a consequence, there are 1000s of unemployed school departers and alumnuss who are unable to suit into the current competitory market. As a consequence Educationists considered the cognitive psychological behaviour ( Chomsky ) had adopted the method of learning which will authorise the critical thought and originative thought ( with 2009 course of study alterations ) . This is besides the construct of left- encephalon and right-brain orientation of thought. Cognitive psychological science has a batch of impact on the pattern of learning and larning in the schoolroom. The results are emphasized and the solutions are being motivated to be reached by the pupils in assortment of ways. The schoolrooms are now larning environments which promote survey accomplishments, societal accomplishments, job resolution and organisational accomplishments along with the capable affair command. The instructors create motivated schoolroom environments harmonizing to Weiner and the expression for self- regard, when pupils show internal/ability property, supplying challenges to larn and developing them to keep self – regard when fa ilures occur. When they show internal/effort property to hold high outlooks for success as they will remain motivated in malice of impermanent reverses. There are assortments of specific actions that the instructors are in the ways and agencies of ways to increase motive in schoolroom undertakings. The intrinsic motive to be practiced through explicating or demoing why larning a peculiar content or accomplishment is of import, create and maintain wonder, supply a assortment of activities and centripetal stimulations, provide games and simulations, set ends for acquisition, associate larning to student demands and assist pupil develop program of action and the extrinsic motive through supplying clear outlooks, giving disciplinary feedback and providing wagess. The outlooks of a instructor in such an environment demands the instructors to alter radically with the technological alterations the passage of inactive acquisition content to electronic integrative tools. The instructor ‘s function remained mostly as a facilitator at the same clip to be a co-learner in technological cognition and accomplishments. The current demand from a instructor is to hold are, hypertext transfer protocol: // # Learning and creativeness – instructors use capable affair expertness to ease and animate creativeness in pupils, including ingeniousness, job resolution and reflecting through the usage of digital tools collaborative tools and co-learning experiences. # Assessment – Use appraisals for ratings so that the pupils set their ain ends for acquisition, engage in individualized acquisition and are evaluated based on multiple, varied formative and summational appraisals aligned with content and engineering criterions. # Digital age skills – instructors exhibit eloquence in digital tools, engage on a regular basis in engineering – based coaction and usage information resources to back up research and acquisition. # Digital citizenship: Teachers promote â€Å" safe, legal, and ethical usage of digital information and engineering, † promote etiquette, and work to further a planetary position in pupils # Professional development: Educators adopt a theoretical account of womb-to-tomb acquisition and exhibit professional leading through engagement in larning communities, rating of research into the latest digital tools for instruction, parts to the â€Å" effectivity, verve, and self-renewal of the instruction profession, † and presentation of leading in instruction engineering. The ministry of Education with NSB and selected providers took enterprises to supply Personal computers for instructors at a sensible monetary value through Teacher PC Drive plan and to supply developing through reputed private institutes such as IDM Computer Studies and Gateway in 2006. The ‘Innovative Teachers National Competition 2008 ‘ conducted by the Ministry of Education ‘s Secondary Education Modernization Project ( SEMP ) II and Microsoft Sri Lanka assessed the advancement of this plan. In â€Å" The Skills for life † launched in 2009, provides specialised plans for instructors in Sri Lankan instruction system plays a critical function in this scenario. Programs such as ICDL, CTP straight on ICT making and LTCC, IPICT as an instruction tool for non ICT instructors. hypertext transfer protocol: // option=com_contentHYPERLINK â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // option=com_content & A ; view=article & A ; id=9 & A ; Itemid=16 † & amp ; HYPERLINK â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // option=com_content & A ; view=article & A ; id=9 & A ; Itemid=16 † view=articleHYPERLINK â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // option=com_content & A ; view=article & A ; id=9 & A ; Itemid=16 † & amp ; HYPERLINK â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // option=com_content & A ; view=article & A ; id=9 & A ; Itemid=16 † id=9HYPERLINK â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // option=com_content & A ; view=article & A ; id=9 & A ; Itemid=16 † & amp ; HYPERLINK â€Å" hypertext transfer protocol: // option=com_content & A ; v iew=article & A ; id=9 & A ; Itemid=16 † Itemid=16 Photo caption: Kithsiri Abeysinghe – Nikawewa Dewanampiyatissa Central College, Chithrangani Karunasekera – Katuwana National School, Premawathie Henayalage- Project Manager, Department of Education North Central Province, Ranjith Tharukaratne – Sujatha Balika Maha Vidyalaya hypertext transfer protocol: // The instruction leader inevitableness faces a calling in which new resilient responses are invariably required to run into the challenges that will ineluctably and unremittingly originate in the hereafter. These challenges are likely to happen in rhythms as they have for over a century. The jobs that seem overvelming to us now will in clip recede into the background as new an seemingly more demanding challenges emerge in the hereafter. In position of this dogged patterned advance, educational leaders non merely necessitate to develop responses to the urgencies of the minute but besides to develop a set of values, beliefs and principals to steer them in developing effectual schemes and actions in the unsure hereafter. Take together these values, beliefs and principals cast and determine the educational leaders vision of what the school ought to be like the way in which it should be traveling, and the terminal province for which it should be like, the way in which it should be travelin g and the terminal province which it should be endeavoring. A nucleus component in such vision

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Importance of Law to Different People Essay

Various schools of law define law from different angles and this is done by mainly looking at the purpose that is to be achieved. The meaning of law maybe different to a lawyer, a law enforcement agency, a law breaker and even a business man. If defined simply then law is a system, a set of rules and guidelines that are enforced/implemented through a set of different government institutions. It helps to shape politics, economics, and most importantly, society by serving as a mediator of relations between people and different groups (Various, 2011). They are considered to be the basic of behavior, and at the same time, orders established by the Government of a country. These guidelines are applicable to anyone and everyone, with the expectations that are followed rather than broken, without any discrimination. Law is the command of the sovereign. It imposes a duty and is supported by a sanction, which will be looked at further in this writing. Law is made of three elements: command, duty and sanction. To implement and enforce law and provide services to the public, a government’s bureaucracy, the military and police are vital. With all these organs of the state are creatures created and bound by law, an independent legal profession and vibrant civil society inform and support their progress (Various, 2011). Law is a fair means of keeping everyone equal in the eyes of the state, and rid out crimes which are the cancer of society. Law is a generic term which is further divided into categories so no walks of life isn’t out of the reach of the law enforcers. Law is not a man made phenomena as we can see law in effect in nature too. It is something that keeps things in balance. Some might argue that law isn’t required, but man in its nature is inclined to sway from the right code of conduct. Law doesn’t enforce something un-natural but kosher ways of doing things. The need of Law is fundamental, it sets up guidelines for appropriate behavior that has been perfected over time and based on moral beliefs. And also Law is a divine quality given to man to controls mans sinful nature for centuries. When can see the importance of Law in man life by the example of Adam and Eve, they had guidelines they had to follow, no matter how limited it was, and when they were broken they were punished for it. This shows that the need of Law or guidelines is something as natural to mankind as breathing. Law has a different meaning to a lawyer, a law enforcement agency, a law breaker and a businessman. A lawyer assists others in understanding the rule of law and provides his help to those who want to enforce the law for a particular purpose. The objective of a law enforcement agency is to promote law and ensure that it is being followed in an organized manner. A law breaker is not try to understand the rule of law and just wants to disrupt the society by breaking it. A business man has to follow the law in his day to day dealings and to a business man, law is mainly a set of rules and regulations that have to be followed in order to carry out the business. The objective of this paper is to highlight how various individuals perceive law and the meaning that law has to them. Law is there to serve different purposes and law can only be easily defined if this purpose is apparent. The aim of this paper is to show what perception different individuals have of law. It is very important to know the differences in perception of various segments regarding law to be able to understand how it would be defined by them. This would help us analyze and interpret the way they look at law and might help us in forming a mutual definition of law. It is necessary to shed light upon what law means to different segments in order to create a linkage among the common elements exist so it becomes easier for us to understand the actual meaning of law. Methodology The topic that has been covered in this paper can have a legal as well as a social impact. It can have a social impact because it highlights the different meanings that law can have to different individuals in the society which can assist the members of the society to understand how various individuals perceive law. Law is importance to all the individual but the degree of importance surely varies. The paper sheds light on the importance that different individuals attach to law hence having a society wide impact. The paper can have a legal impact because it shows us how the various segments of the legal system including the lawyers and law enforcement agencies perceive law and how essential law is to them. This can help us interpret their reaction towards various aspects and also help us understand how different segments within the legal system might work. What does law mean to a lawyer? Law has a great deal of significance to a lawyer. Law is needed to resolve these disputes and lawyers use these laws a valid ground for resolving such disputes, as exemplified by the famous story of the Judgment of Solomon. It was thought even from classical times that law performed a very important function – that of encouraging and helping people to do the right thing. For example, Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) argued that people needed the discipline of law to habituate them into doing the right thing, from which standpoint they could then appreciate why doing the right thing was the right thing to do and lawyers set examples for others through use of laws. Up until the 20th century, this view of law was accepted by law makers, with the result that the legal system contained a large number of ‘morals laws’ – that is, laws that were designed purely and simply to stop people acting immorally, according to the lights of Christian teaching on what counted as immoral behavior. For the lawyer law is formulated to improve the system of legal representation, ensure that lawyers conduct their business in accordance with the law, standardize lawyers’ behavior, protect the legitimate rights and interests of litigants, safeguard the correct enforcement of laws and bring into full play the positive role of lawyers in establishing a socialist legal system. Lawyer refers to personnel who have obtained a business license for setting up a lawyer’s practice in accordance with the law and who are providing legal services for the public. When setting up a practice, lawyers must abide by the Constitution and the law, and must scrupulously observe professional ethics and discipline. Lawyers who set up in practice must use facts as a basis and the law as criteria. Lawyers who set up in practice must accept supervision by the state, the public and litigants. Lawyers who set up in practice in accordance the law are protected by the law.